Home Sweet Home: How Wyoming is Supporting Struggling Renters

Finding an affordable place to call home is becoming increasingly difficult for many Wyoming families. Skyrocketing rents and stagnant wages have put housing out of reach for a growing number of residents across the state.

However, help is on the horizon thanks to a new boost in financial assistance programs aimed at keeping people in their homes.

The Wyoming Housing Opportunities Association (WHOA) recently announced an increase in funding for rental assistance grants, expanding aid to cover more households in need.

Since originally launching in May, the program has already provided over $5 million in direct support to renters, helping over 1,000 families avoid eviction. But with demand continuing to rise, state lawmakers approved an additional $10 million allocation this month.

“This funding increase could not have come at a more crucial time,” said WHOA director Anne Smith. “Our goal is to keep vulnerable families housed through these challenging economic conditions. We want to give them the peace of mind of knowing they have a stable place to call home."

More Help for More Households

The influx of new funding will allow WHOA to expand eligibility and serve a wider range of households.

Previously, the program was limited to assisting renters with incomes below 50% of area medians. Now, the threshold has been raised to 80%, enabling aid to reach further up the income ladder.

“Many middle-income residents are feeling the strain of rising rents,” explained Smith. “We didn’t want to leave these families without a safety net.”

In addition to expanding eligibility, the added funding will enable more robust assistance per household. WHOA can now offer grants covering up to 12 months of rent, whereas previously awards were capped at 6 months.

Giving Families Breathing Room

For struggling renters like Jenny Rogers, a single mother of two, the boosted assistance provides invaluable peace of mind. After her work hours were cut due to COVID-19, Rogers fell behind on rent and was at risk of eviction. But a WHOA grant covered the entire past-due balance, allowing her family to stay in their home.

“I can’t express how huge this was for us,” said Rogers. “Just knowing we have that extra support gives me the ability to focus on getting back on my feet.”

Stories like Rogers’ underscore the lifeline these expanded housing funds provide for Wyoming residents. As economic uncertainty continues, WHOA stands ready to help more families weather the storm.

To learn more or apply for assistance, visit the WHOA website or call 1-800-555-RENT. With this funding boost, Wyoming is telling struggling households: your home matters, and we’re here to help.

Category: Assistance

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